Packing the ceramics:
How to ship ceramics? One of our biggest challenges is shipping our ceramic pieces. I mean, shipping is not the issue. The challenge is getting them delivered to your doorstep in one piece and not ready for a Japanese Kintsugi kit! Our packages travel across borders, and many different carriers handle them. They are stored beneath other heavy packages, thrown, etc.! It’s quite a journey for our porcelain cups!
Through the years, we tested and improved our process to achieve a reliable way to send you our ceramic cups:
At first, we create a “gift box” packaging that you can reuse to offer the Moca Tableware pieces. This packaging is a cardboard box, with only 1 to 4 pieces inside. The porcelains are enveloped in wrapping tissue paper and placed in a way that they do not touch each other in the case of any package shaking. We, of course, add a small MOCA Tableware flyer with all the needed information and product details.

Once these boxes are made, we place them in a larger shipping cardboard box filled with protective paper or other filler. We place them so that if anything crushes that cardboard, it shouldn’t touch our porcelain gift boxes.

We close it carefully, verify if nothing moves, label it as (very) fragile, and print the shipping label! From then on, we can’t control how the carrier will handle the box and can only hope for the best! Shipping gods have to be on our side!

What if anything happens?
However, if anything happens, you should always take pictures of the packaging (it’s really important to help our case) and contact us as soon as possible.
We will replace your ceramic since we are insured and will be able to send you another porcelain cup.
If you need extra details on how to ship ceramics or have a specific shipping demand, send us a small message, and we will see what we can do for you! In the meantime, you can visit our website!
Jordan and Carla